Monday, December 20, 2010

How long does a genital herpes infection last?

Almost all genital blisters turn into open ulcers after a few days. The soreness does diminish a little but the general ill health continues for 5-14 days. 

After about 7-10 days, the ulcers dry up, become crusted and fall off. The entire episode can last 7-12 days. After the initial infection, the virus disappears and goes into a latent stage and may never again cause an infection (if you are lucky).

However, mind you the herpes virus never ever leaves the body and hides inside nerves. When the right opportunity presents, it again reactivates- albeit the pain is a little less this time.

I think I may have acquired genital herpes. Will the lesions become painful?

No one ever forgets an acute genital herpetic outbreak. 

The sores are tender to touch and even urination is painful. In those who are liberal in their sex life and acquire an anal infection, the feeling is like a hot-burning needle around the rectal area- in fact quite painful and pooping is almost impossible. 

Any thoughts of eroticism and sexual intercourse are always absent because of the pain.

For men, blisters occur at the tip of the penis and cause difficulty with urination and even wearing tight undergarments can be very uncomfortable. Of course, men have the same degree of pain as women.

How soon do herpes lesions appear after sex?

Herpes simplex has a fairly standard presentation. Those who become symptomatic from the infection never forget the episode and dread the beast. 

The symptoms usually arise 2-3 days after acquiring the infection following sexual activity. 

Most individuals will have an odd feeling, burning, tingling, pain or an odd ache in the genital area. A few days later, painful blisters will become prominent around the penis or vagina. The number of blisters is variable but most individuals develop at least a couple. The pain is sharp and burning in nature. 

Many an individual has required admission to the hospital for pain control from a herpetic genital infection. 

I am a 22 year old male and think I have contracted herpes. Where will the symptoms appear?

In men, herpetic lesions are most common near the tip of the penis. A few individuals do develop the blisters on the shaft of the penis

In those who engage in anal intercourse, the blisters can occur around the entire anus. Lesions around the buttocks and back of the thigh are also common.

In women, the lesions are most common on the inside of the labia and cervix. However, the lesions may occur anywhere on the inside or outside of the vagina.

Can I transmit herpes even if I have no symptoms?

You sure can.

Despite what everyone thinks, not all herpes infections are associated with symptoms. A significant number of individuals have no symptoms at all and never even know they have a herpetic infection. 

Despite the fact these individuals have no signs or symptoms of an infection; they all have the capability of transmitting the infection to their partners. Most people who acquire genital herpes get it from a partner who has no symptoms. 

It is doubtful if anyone sane would have any type of a sexual activity with a partner in the presence of full-blown herpes infection. In fact, in the presence of an active infection, the affected individual will not have the desire to have sex with anyone.