Friday, February 27, 2009

Complications of Venereal Warts

Like all STDs, there is nothing great about having acquired Venereal Warts. While most STDs come and go, the virus associated with Venereal Warts has been associated with cancer.

Certain strains of the HPV are strongly linked to cancer of cervix, penis, and even the anus. One thing all consumers have to understand- not everyone who acquires this virus develops a cancer. However, because of the small but real risk of cancer, all women who are sexually active and have been infected with the HPV need to undergo regular pap smears.

The cancers, which occur after HPV usually, take years to develop and if appropriate screening is done, the cancer can be caught early and one can be cured. There are no screening tests like a pap smear for men. Men, if they have a wart growing on the penis should definitely see a health care worker.

Venereal warts are also a hassle to have during a pregnancy. When the warts grow large, they can irritate the vaginal wall and also reduce the circumference of the vagina and make childbirth difficult. In rare cases, the infant may acquire the genital warts in the mouth area and have difficulty breathing. Sometimes this requires performing emergency surgery on the baby to free the airways.

For all patients, venereal warts should not be taken lightly. If you do visit a health care professional ask questions. The only way to get the best treatment is by being informed

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cause of Venereal Warts

Causes of venereal warts

For decades, the cause of venereal warts was unknown. However, today the cause is known and related to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are more than a 100 subtypes of this virus and not all are harmful. However, only 2-3 can cause venereal warts. These HPV strains are highly infectious and can easily spread by sexual contact from a person who is already infected. The most common method of acquiring HPV is sexual intercourse. There are reported cases of transmission of the HPV from fingering of the genitalia. Warts also occur on fingers; these individuals can in rare cases transmit the virus to the genitals during finger manipulation.

In the majority of cases when venereal warts develop, it indicates that the individual has had recent contact with an infected individual. The time period when the venereal warts become prominent is usually 2-3 months after sexual contact but in some cases this may be several years.

Who gets Venereal Warts?

Well, venereal warts are considered a sexually transmitted infection and so individuals at highest risk include:

- those who have unprotected sex with multiple partners

- individuals who have had a prior sexually transmitted disorder (e.g. Chlamydia, herpes)

- individuals who have sex with strangers whose sexual history they do not know

- individuals who become sexually active at a young age and exhibit promiscuous behavior

Friday, February 20, 2009

Veneral Warts 101

Genital warts are commonly referred to as venereal warts. Medically they are also referred to as condylomata acuminata. Genital warts is probably the most common sexually transmitted infection.

Genital warts are flesh colored growths or bumps (sometimes look like cauliflower) and can appear almost anywhere in the perineal and genital area. The lesions may be quite small, large and multiple. Most commonly these warts are seen near the vagina, vulva, just above the cervix, penis, scrotum, anus or groin area.

Genital warts are difficult to treat and have become a public health concern. The warts occur because of infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). This same virus has also been linked to cervical cancer and today it is believed that the same virus may play a role in other related genital cancers.


In women, genital warts may be seen around the vulva, cervix, vagina, anus and in-between the anus and vagina. In men venereal warts are most common on penile shaft or tip of the penis. They can also occur on the scrotum and in the groin crease. There are reports that individuals who practice oral sex often get venereal warts at the back of the throat.
Individuals who develop venereal warts may complain of the following:

- In the majority of individuals, venereal warts do not cause any symptoms.

- Some warts are so small that they may not always be visible. However, warts can also grow pretty large when they occur in clusters

- Single or multiple flesh brown or dark gray colored swellings which sometimes look like a tiny cauliflower

- Itching is a common complaint especially when the skin overlying the wart have been traumatized

-Most people have no pain but warts can get traumatized and bleed. Bleeding is most common during sexual intercourse or masturbation.

- Some individuals will get re-activation of venereal warts after acquiring an infection anywhere in the body

- Women who become pregnant may also see the outbreaks of venereal warts.

All individuals have to understand, that venereal warts are considered a sexually transmitted disease. This means if you got it you can give it to someone else; and if you got it, someone gave it to you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is herpes forever? Part 2

Type 1 herpes simplex virus is quite common in the North American population. Estimates indicate that close to 90% of the North American population may have this virus. The majority of individuals only have a sub clinical infection – meaning no symptoms. The virus is almost always acquired in childhood and often presents sub clinically. Only about 1:100 children develop a full blown herpes simplex infection around the mouth. When an adult develops the infection, it is most likely due to reactivation of the virus.

In adults, most individuals have a prodromal period- meaning that there are no obvious symptoms but just a feeling that something is not right. The initial symptoms in most individuals with herpes simplex are either a lack of sensation or a tingling feeling around the lips.

Herpes simplex virus is easily acquired and highly contagious. For some known reason it has a great affinity for the mouth and lips area. Occasionally the same herpes 1 virus will infect the gums and sometimes the eye. Herpes simplex lesions on the mouth are often known as fever blisters or cold sores.

The lesions are small blister like and contain fluid. In the unfortunate individual, the herpetic lesions may also occur in the presence of wounds infections. Numerous adults are exposed to herpes virus but less than 10% actually develop the painful sores.

Is herpes forever? Part 1

If there is one infection no one really likes- it has to be herpes. Herpes has been around for centuries. The word herpes is derived from the Greek word herpein- meaning a creeping plant or animal. Well, creeping or creepy, this condition with painful blisters is simply a pain in the rear. While some individuals have only one episode of herpes, some unlucky will develop recurrent episodes every few months.

Herpes simplex typically presents with painful blisters. They are just as painful while looking at them. The herpetic sores also are not appealing to look at. Besides the pain, most individuals complain about the poor cosmesis due to the blisters.

Herpes simplex virus once acquired is forever. It does disappear for a while but never leaves your body again. The virus has a great tendency to remain dormant in the nerves where it remains until something or some condition causes it to reactivate.There are a number of herpes viruses. Besides herpes simplex, Chicken pox and shingles are also caused by herpes viruses.

There are two subtypes of herpes simplex- type 1 and type 2. The type one herpes simplex is the one associated with the cold sores, fever and blisters; whereas the types 2 is known to cause genital blisters

Recurrent Herpes of the mouth part 2


A number of individual keep on getting recurrent herpes sores. As to why some individuals get it and some do not, is a medical mystery. But we do know that some conditions can increase the chance of recurrence. The recurrence may be in the same location around the mouth or in a different site. The recurrence rate is variable. There may be one recurrence a month, or several a month or once a year.

Secondary herpes is due to a local reactivation of the virus that produces a cold sore. Unlike the primary infection, recurrent herpes sores are not as painful. Most individuals claim that the pain is much less severe and tolerable. However, the unsightly cosmetic nature is no different compared to the first episode.


The diagnosis of herpetic sores requires a simple physical examination. No other blood work or x rays are required. In the very rare case, small amount of fluid may be obtained to confirm the diagnosis. In the era of modern medicine, where money factors a lot into a physician’s income, unnecessary testing is common.

This may include testing the blood for antibodies- redundant tests which do not affect therapy.Confirmation of the herpes virus may be of an issue in hospitalized patients who are sick. For the average individual, a simple physical exam will suffice.

Primary Herpes of the mouth part 1

Primary herpes Primary oral herpes infection is also known as herpes gingivostomatitis. All this means is that the herpes virus has caused an infection around the lips, gums and mouth. The initial infection is always the most painful and most individuals never forget it. The infection causes painful sores or blisters around the mouth and gums primarily.

It is believed that most individuals get their initial infection during childhood. Even though many children acquire the virus, only 1/100 develops a full blown infection.

Children are quite prone to herpes simplex infection. The majority of children acquire the virus between the ages of 4-8. Children usually get the virus from adults. Some of the ways the virus is transmitted to children include kissing, hugging, touching or even sharing contaminated utensils.

The infectious period is associated with a low grade fever, tiredness, fatigue and general malaise. Some children may even develop a sore throat and have difficulty swallowing food. The blisters can develop both on the inside and outside of the mouth. These blisters can ulcerate and are quite painful. The gums may become swollen, red, tender and eating food can be difficult. Foul breath and enlarged glands around the neck are common features during a severe episode of the infection. The acute episode lasts bout 5-14 days and most children take a few more days to fully recover. Scarring of the lips is a rare occurrence with uncomplicated herpes sores.

However, even when the blister has disappeared and all the symptoms resolved, the virus unfortunately goes into hiding. The virus has a great tendency to reside in nerve tissues, where it remains silent

Herpes Simplex of the Mouth


Herpes simplex infections of the mouth are generally classified into two categories- primary or recurrent. This is only academic and does not alter the treatment.

The first (primary) infection from the herpes virus is usually acquired sometime in childhood. Many children do acquire the virus but only about 1/00 children develop full blown herpes. Once the herpes virus is acquired, it remains in the body for ever. The virus has a great affinity for nerves and resides there until something causes it to awaken. Some individuals only develop one herpes infection in their lifetime, but for some unlucky individuals, the virus keeps on coming back. When the virus comes back, it has essentially been reactivated from a dormant state in the nerves. This cycle of reactivation and dormancy does occur in many individuals and is not only bothersome but also creates havoc in interpersonal relationships and social life (Herpes infections carry a certain stigma and most people do not brag about it).

While the exact mechanism of reactivation is not understood, there are some known factors which can trigger the virus. These factors include emotional stress (depression, anxiety), physical problems (trauma), excessive exposure to the sun or extreme cold, bacterial infection of the mouth or lung, any major illness and a lot of bad luck.

More on Herpes Simplex- Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms

Herpes simplex
presents in the same fashion each and every time. The only difference with recurrent infections is that duration may be short, but the pain is still present. Most people have a prodrome (a period when one can sense something is not right) period. Some individuals may sense tingling or numbness on the lips or corner of the mouth a few days prior to the full blown infection. The prodrome period usually lasts about 5-7 days.

Typically most patients have one common symptom- pain. The intensity of pain varies. For most people it is tolerable but in others it can be intense. The pain is burning in nature and usually no home made therapies make it better. Associated with pain may be complains of an itchy feeling around the lips. A few individuals may also complain of a bizarre electric shock like feeling just over the lips.

Vesicles or blisters usually follow the pain and last anywhere from 5-12 days. While most people develop one blister, it is not unusual to see several.Even though lesions are common on the outer lips, the occasional individual will develop painful blisters on gums, tongue and inside of the mouth.During the active infection, the blisters may rupture and ooze a colorless fluid.

After 10-14 days, the blisters dry up and form a scab which falls off. All individuals are very infectious during this time period. The duration of the infection tends to last 2-3 weeks.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Treatment of herpes Zooster - Shingles Part 2

Pain: One may take over the counter pain medications or obtain prescription based pain killers. The intensity of pain is reduced but some degree of pain always remains.

Topical local anesthetics are only partially effective for pain relief and need frequent applications. A variety of gel anesthetic formulations are available and do help reduce the pain.

Steroids: These drugs can be applied locally to decrease the inflammation and stop the itch. In addition, the skin swelling and redness may also decrease with time.

Anti viral Drugs: Shingles is often treated with acyclovir. Other related drugs that may be used include famciclovir or valacyclovir (valtrex). These medications are effective when given within the first 48 hours after the onset of symptoms. If the diagnosis has been delayed for more than 72 hours, there is little point in buying these expensive medications.

Tricyclic antidepressants are excellent for the treatment of post herpetic neuralgia. Post herpetic neuralgia is basically the residual pain that occurs after shingles. These drugs take a few days to work but are very effective.

Some physicians even prescribe anti convulsants for the treatment of post-herpetic neuralgia. These drugs also effective in reducing the pain.

There is also a topical ointment formulation of capsaicin which helps reduce the pain. However it only works in mild cases.

Cyberspace is inundated with hundreds of nonsensical therapies for herpes zoster. Infact everything underneath the sun has been advocated as a treatment for this painful disorder. In reality, most of these dealers on cyberspace are scam artists simply preying on individuals who are most vulnerable. The last place one should resort for treatment of herpes zoster is the internet. Chances are you will end up being disappointed.

Treatment of herpes Zooster - Shingles Part 1

There is no cure for herpes zooster. Once the virus is acquired, it always remains in the body. There are no treatments which can rid the body of the virus. Most medications available today can help shorten the infective period and reduce the possibility of complications.

Without treatment, shingles usually lasts a few weeks and resolves on its own. However, the pain and burning is so intense that most individuals desire some type of treatment.

For the best and most effective treatment of shingles, go and see a health care professional. The treatment of shingles is best done with some anti viral therapy and pain control.

Herpes Genitalis- takes the fun out of sex Part 2


Herpes infections are typically classified as primary or recurrent. The primary infection is usually acquired during childhood. In some individuals, there may be only episode of infection (primary); for the unlucky individual, the virus keeps on reactivating itself and causes repeat infections (secondary). After the first infection, the virus never disappears from the body.

One of the oddities about herpes infections is that the organism has a great affinity for nervous tissue- and this is where it resides (latent or goes to sleep). The secondary infections occur when the virus is reactivated from its dormant state and causes the infection. Why and what makes the virus active again is a mystery but some factors are known to trigger its reactivation. These include stress both physical and emotional, excessive exposure to sun, major illness, colds, fevers and a lot of bad luck.

The most common complication of primary herpes genitalis is an associated bacterial infection. Women may also complain of difficulty passing urine and about ¼ women may develop aseptic meningitis (infection of the brain lining).

Herpes genitalis
is very similar to the oral herpes type 1; it also causes pain, numbness, and extreme discomfort. Having herpes genitalis is also not good for the mind- it greatly affects the psyche. Most individuals do not brag they have herpes genitalis for obvious reasons.

Herpes Genitalis- takes the fun out of sex Part 1

If there is one sexually transmitted disease that is not fun to have, it is genital herpes. Over the last 2 decades, millions have been infected with this virus and it has created hysteria, and havoc in social and interpersonal relationships. There are more myths surrounding this infection than any other disorder. Make no mistake about it- this virus is acquired during sex and is considered a sexually transmitted disease.

Herpes simplex type 2 is the cause of genital infection. The infection is common world wide and affects both males and females equally.

In the US, estimates indicate that 1/5 (20%) of adults have serological (blood evidence) of HSV 2. Even though seropositive, only about a quarter of these will actually develop symptoms. The incidence of herpes genitalis is rapidly increasing all over the world. Predictors that may indicate acquisition of herpes genitalis include female sex, black race, older aged individuals, lower education, many life time sexual partners and a prior diagnosis of any sexually transmitted disease.

Herpes simplex type 2 has a tendency to affect both the anal area and the genitals. Recent data indicate that this is not a rigid rule and the virus also infects the mouth area- in those who practice oral sex. Once acquired, this virus never goes away. It stays inside the body and brings about an infection again and again- herpes forever.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Treatment of Herpes Genitalis Part 2

The anti viral medications available today all require a prescription. The current antiviral drugs available to treat type 2 herpes simplex include:

- Acyclovir (Zovirax)
- Famcyclovir (Famvir)
- Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

Acyclovir is probably the best and most effective. It comes as a topical cream and a pill. The topical cream is expensive and useless. It is a complete waste of one’s money. It only reduces the infective period by a day or two at most. The oral pill is effective and decrease the duration of infection and recurrences. However, it has to be taken 5 times a day, for 10 days and costs a fortune.

Oral anti-viral medications such as famciclovir or valacyclovir have been developed to effectively treat herpes infections. These medications can be used to treat the acute infection or may be used to prevent recurrences. Unlike acyclovir, these medications are generally used in the sick patients who have other illnesses. The drugs are also fairly expensive.

Treatment of Herpes Genitalis Part 1

Pain Medications

The pain can vary in intensity and most individuals require pain control. Over the counter pain medications are effective for most individuals but some may require much stronger prescription pain pills. One should never apply any cortisone to the infected area. Cortisone encourages virus growth and makes the condition worse. Application of topical local anesthetics may help but unfortunately, the pain relief is not long or strong enough.

Antiviral Therapy

The best and most effective treatment of genital herpes is antiviral medication. The anti viral drugs stop the virus from multiplying. The drugs can shorten the duration of a herpes outbreak and reduce the number of repeat infections. Unfortunately, the drugs only work if taken continuously. This may not be practical and cost effective. Not only that, these drugs are most effective when taken within 24 hours after the outbreak of the infection. If this time period is delayed, the course of the herpes virus infection is not altered significantly.

For those who have an acute infection, the antiviral medication can reduce the number of days the infection is present. This is very helpful to those who have been plagued with painful blisters. There is a topical antiviral drug available. For those who have recurrent infections, the anti viral drugs have to be taken everyday. This is expensive and not practical.

Alternative therapy for Herpes Genitalis Part 3

Coping with herpes

Many individuals need help to cope with herpes. The type of therapies available include herpes anonymous, self help groups, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, behavior and psychological therapy. The most important is that the individual understand his disease and its course.

One can learn how to avoid triggering the infection. Antiviral therapy is available to reduce the outbreak frequency, but the medications are expensive. A positive attitude and knowing that the disease is not lethal will help cope with the disorder.


Most individuals recover from the infection in 7-14 days. The few lucky individuals just get one infection for remembrance. The unlucky ones get recurrences at variable rates. As far as a cure is concerned, it is still several years away and it definitely won’t come cheap. The drug industry is not in the business of losing money. If the price of acyclovir is anything to go buy, the vaccine will definitely not be cheap.

There is no doubt that conventional medical therapy has not been very effective in treating herpes simplex. However, it does offer drug therapy (Acyclovir) which is still the most effective compared to whatever else is available. Alternative care may work in some but in most individuals it does not. Herpes unfortunately is forever and so buyer beware of anyone making claims that they can cure it. The best way to cure herpes genitalis is to avoid sex.

Alternative therapy for Herpes Genitalis Part 2

Other therapies that have been used to treat herpes include acupuncture, psychological therapy, behavioral counseling and massage therapy,

People with genital herpes outbreaks are highly contagious. Anyone with active disease should avoid any sexual contact when sores are present. The condom is not full proof during active herpes because there may be some sores not covered by the condom or the condom may fall off (either the condom is too big or the penis is too small).

Although the chance of spreading disease is greatest when sores are present, people who have had genital herpes should always be assumed to be contagious, even if they are on antiviral medication. The virus is easily transferred to the sexual partner even when the skin appears completely normal.

The use of a condom should not be underestimated. It is the key to prevention of not only herpes but many other sexually transmitted diseases. During the acute infection, fingering different parts of one’s or the partner’s body is an absolute no-no.

Alternative therapy for Herpes Genitalis Part 1

Like most things in medicine, patients rapidly become dis-satisfied with conventional treatment when it come to management of herpes- everyone wants instant relief and Nirvana- and when this fails they seek alternative care.

The alternative health care business is flourishing even without the back up of any scientific data. The reason is patient gullibility because of the false claims made by this industry.

Every type of nutritive and herbal agent has been postulated to help cure herpes. From mega doses of all vitamins, minerals to gouging on the liver, spleen, drinking donkey’s urine (or yours), thymus of cows, chickens and pigs.

Hundreds of herbs are sold as a remedy for herpes-teas, powders, lotions, potions, capsules of every kind are sold- some are recommended to be taken in orally, some to be pasted on the lips and others to placed in the rectum (it sure is a medical miracle if a rectally placed herb can cure an infection in the groin) - yet millions of people buy and use these products.

And the common theme with all these therapies- they do not work.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Signs & Symptoms of Herpes Genitalis

The signs and symptoms of recurrent episodes are generally less severe. Most individuals have a prodrome (an impending sense) when the recurrence will occur. These prodrome symptoms may include the onset of tingling, pain, itching or an unusual feeling around the genitalia area (the unusual feeling is never good).


In most cases, the diagnosis of herpes genitalis is obvious. To confirm the diagnosis, swabs from the genitalia will be obtained. The virus is generally discovered only during the presence of the blisters. In most cases, the virus is never found. The use of blood to detect antibodies towards the herpes virus is not sensitive and rarely done.

Primary Herpes Genitalis

Primary herpes genitalis

In all cases, the first episode is the most painful and hard to forget. The initial episode is always the longest in duration and is also associated with extra genital symptoms (fever, malaise, general wear down of the body, depression). The initial infection is generally 10-14 days in duration after exposure to the virus.

For most individuals the agony does not simply end there. The other symptoms of fatigue, tiredness and anxiety can take a few more weeks to subside. A few individuals may develop a long lasting syndrome of pain known as post herpetic neuralgia (which is difficult to treat).

However, even when the blister has disappeared and all the symptoms resolved, the virus unfortunately goes into hiding. The virus has a great tendency to reside in nerve tissues, where it remains silent.


After the onset of an infection, the virus has a great affinity for nerves tissue and hides there (becomes latent). For some individuals there may be just one infection from the virus- just for remembrance- for the unlucky ones, the infection may be recurrent. Secondary herpes is due to a local reactivation of the virus. Why some individual get just one infection and why others get recurrence is a medical mystery.

A number of individual keep on getting recurrent herpes sores. As to why some individuals get it and some do not, is a medical mystery. But we do know that some conditions can increase the chance of recurrence. The recurrence may be in the same location around the genitalis or in a different site.

The recurrence rate is variable. There may be one recurrence a month, or several times a month or once a year.