Primary herpes genitalis
In all cases, the first episode is the most painful and hard to forget. The initial episode is always the longest in duration and is also associated with extra genital symptoms (fever, malaise, general wear down of the body, depression). The initial infection is generally 10-14 days in duration after exposure to the virus.
For most individuals the agony does not simply end there. The other symptoms of fatigue, tiredness and anxiety can take a few more weeks to subside. A few individuals may develop a long lasting syndrome of pain known as post herpetic neuralgia (which is difficult to treat).
However, even when the blister has disappeared and all the symptoms resolved, the virus unfortunately goes into hiding. The virus has a great tendency to reside in nerve tissues, where it remains silent.
After the onset of an infection, the virus has a great affinity for nerves tissue and hides there (becomes latent). For some individuals there may be just one infection from the virus- just for remembrance- for the unlucky ones, the infection may be recurrent. Secondary herpes is due to a local reactivation of the virus. Why some individual get just one infection and why others get recurrence is a medical mystery.
A number of individual keep on getting recurrent herpes sores. As to why some individuals get it and some do not, is a medical mystery. But we do know that some conditions can increase the chance of recurrence. The recurrence may be in the same location around the genitalis or in a different site.
The recurrence rate is variable. There may be one recurrence a month, or several times a month or once a year.
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