Friday, February 13, 2009

Alternative therapy for Herpes Genitalis Part 2

Other therapies that have been used to treat herpes include acupuncture, psychological therapy, behavioral counseling and massage therapy,

People with genital herpes outbreaks are highly contagious. Anyone with active disease should avoid any sexual contact when sores are present. The condom is not full proof during active herpes because there may be some sores not covered by the condom or the condom may fall off (either the condom is too big or the penis is too small).

Although the chance of spreading disease is greatest when sores are present, people who have had genital herpes should always be assumed to be contagious, even if they are on antiviral medication. The virus is easily transferred to the sexual partner even when the skin appears completely normal.

The use of a condom should not be underestimated. It is the key to prevention of not only herpes but many other sexually transmitted diseases. During the acute infection, fingering different parts of one’s or the partner’s body is an absolute no-no.

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