Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sex is Fun until one gets Gonorrhea Part 9


It is essential that the entire course of antibiotics be completed. Once the antibiotic course has been finished, it is important that the individual be retested to make sure that the infection has been treated. A major part of treatment for gonorrhea involves treatment of the partner. All sexual partners must be notified and tested for infection to ensure that the infection is not re-transmitted in a cycle. With a wide acceptance of an open sexual life style with multiple partners, it is highly recommended that the individual also get tested for other sexually transmitted disease like Chlamydia, syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


Prevention of gonorrhea

- Use of latex condoms during sexual intercourse
- Avoidance of sexual intercourse with high risk partners
- Get partners tested for STDs prior to any sexual activity.


After the antibiotic treatment is completed, more than 95-99% of first time episodes of gonorrhea are cured. A few individuals may not respond and may require alternative drugs.


In cases of suspected rape or child abuse, it is mandatory to discuss the case with other specialists such as social workers, psychiatrists and pediatricians. It is important to obtain and stores the samples in the presence of some legal authority. Every detail about the case must be documented and all physical findings must be recorded/photographed for possible medico-legal reasons. All physicians are required to report the case to child protective services if there is any hint of abuse.

1 comment:

  1. Danm I hate gonorrhea and ED!!! but at least my doc cures me with Order Viagra Online
